Exterior painting company
We’re an exterior painting company specializing in transforming homes with high-quality, durable finishes that enhance curb appeal and provide long-lasting protection.
We’re an exterior painting company specializing in transforming homes with high-quality, durable finishes that enhance curb appeal and provide long-lasting protection.
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Exterior painting service category text placeholder, both and without the other, and it could paint finish.
Exterior painting service category text placeholder, both and without the other, and it could paint finish.
We meet with the homeowner to discuss the project, assess the condition of the surfaces, discuss color options, and understand the specific needs. A detailed estimate will then be provided, including the scope of work, materials, and timeline.
Once the estimate is approved, a convenient date is scheduled for the painting work to begin. We will monitor weather conditions to ensure ideal painting conditions (dry, mild temperatures, no rain).
On the day of service, we will clean and prep the surfaces, repairing any minor damage like cracks or peeling paint. We will cover windows, doors, plants, and outdoor furniture with drop cloths or plastic sheeting to ensure the property stays clean and protected during the job.
Our experienced painters will apply primer and paint, using the best techniques for even, smooth coverage. The homeowner will be informed of the process and progress at each step, and any adjustments can be discussed to meet expectations.
The team will ensure adequate drying time between coats and inspect the work to ensure even coverage and flawless results. After the job is complete, the homeowner will do a walk-through with the team to ensure all areas are completed.
The team will thoroughly clean up the worksite, removing any materials, drop cloths, and debris, leaving the property spotless.
A final thorough walkthrough with the homeowner is done to ensure complete satisfaction. Any concerns or requests are throughly addressed and the project is completed.